Monday, May 4, 2009

Beautiful Folklorico!

My trip to Tucson Arizona for a dance conference was awesome! I am so glad I had the opportunity to return. This was the 27th annual conference held. I attended one about 10 years ago so I was ready, excited and prepared for what I remembered the last time I attended. My mind was racing, however my body was a little in shock the first day until the 8 hours of dancing a day settled in. I survived along with the others, so I didn't feel out of place. I was able to learn a new region with a total of 5 dances to bring back to my students! I caught up with old friends and made new ones that I hope to see next year! What an awesome experience it was and a wonderful feeling to see so many others enjoying Danza Folklorica. Our Maestro(instructor)is a renowned folklorico dance instructor with his own dance company in Mexico and also the Fine Arts director for the University of Colima. Rafael Zamarripa is not only limited to dance instructor. He is also a well known sculptor and artist. His sense of humor and kindness was exceptional. Folkloristas consider him one of the best. I was fortunate to spend almost everyday with him and hear about some of his amazing accomplishment. This man has traveled to more places than I can imagine with his group and was soon on his way to return to Europe. The best lesson I learned from him was not dance, though very well taught, but as a teacher on how to treat and train your young and aspiring students. He stated a great dancer is also a great person, and that personality should be carried on and off stage. He was an exceptional example of that lesson. Teaching my students on how to repsect each other, respect others of other cultures and respecting themselves will in turn produce great dancers! Unfortunaelty I was not able to take pictures of the dance rehearsals but I was able to catch a few before the performance.

Yes, this is me and Maestro Zamarripa...I actually fit in to my first Jalisco dress! The 8 hours a day dancing really helped!

This is Juan Carlos, assistant director to Maestro Zamarripa. A gentleman and amazing dancer!

My instructor and friend Juanita Lopez, who taught me from the age of 4yrs old!

This is just a shot of probably a little less than half that attended. They stated there were a total of 800 students(dancers and musicians combined) that attended this years conference!

This is a video I was able to take during our rehearsal for the show. These are the music mariachi students playing a beautiful song they learned at the conference! I thought they were amazing. If you notice these muscians ranged from the very young to the very experienced. It was taught by Mariachi Los Camperos de Nati Cano, recent Grammy Winners!

I'm ready to return next year with my students!

1 comment:

Heidi Maloy said...

Looks like fun... and kudos for fitting into your dress!